October 17, 2010

Out of Hiding at Last

It has been 5 months since I last posted. My life has gone through major changes during that time. Much of the change has been very public.I am starting over in a new place to live after losing my home in foreclosure. A battle fought for almost two years is over and I lost. I LOST!!
ME!!! I couldn't believe it because I thought that good people with true motives could prevail. I was wrong.

I have described that the process of losing ones home is like going through terminal cancer with a friend or loved one. Your in survival mode, doing whatever it takes and sacrificing everything else. Your energy is drained and you need to switch to acceptance of the impending loss. You feel helpless and out of control. Then the person passes and you do what is necessary to facilitate the closing of a life.

It takes time to heal and find your path again. It is a process, this thing called loss. Well I am in the rebuilding and finding the path phase. For reasons unknown, I am acting out. Yes, now I am making my own way and choices but I wonder if I am out of control. This blog and anyone that reads it are the only people to know what I am thinking and often doing.

The Mikes's ( see previous posts )are of course still around. Married Mike #3 is the one I crave from the center of my being. When I was going through my tough times he broke his communication silence for a while. We Skyped for about 2 weeks in the evening. Sometimes almost two hours at a time. Skype is almost as good as really being in the same room. I could see, hear,laugh with him and look into his eyes. I could see how much he missed me. He could see me and tell when I get embarrassed or shy. I held almost nothing back , I felt so comfortable. We would hang up and he called right back because he wanted to see my face one more time. I was fucking stunned.As usual though, when we get too close he cuts me off. It's almost as if his wife senses she is losing him and decides to reel him back in with some loving gesture. I completely understand his back and forth, his only concern is to keep his family together. He knows her and is always suspect about her motives. So I know the score and have no right to bitch about it.

I never know when he will lose his ability to resist me. Again, I think his wife is directly related to when he starts contacting me. I like being the "Bad Girl"
that tempts him. He tells me I am his fantasy and he wishes he were single. Sometimes I have to work too hard to get his attention and the uncertainty of his feelings become too much. When I know I am in too deep I back way the fuck out and and wait. Or not?

I was going through the move and a very stressful time when Dave the Door Guy decided to leave our planet. Dave was not a friend but he supplied doors to my buisness and was a regular fixture in the neighborhood of my work. He would peek his head in the door and ask if I had the dark tint removed from my car windows yet. Then we laugh and I would say sheepishly " I know". So when we heard about him committing suicide my employee and I decided to have a drink in his memory. One drink turned into several and I was kicking ass on the pool table.

We had enough drinks and my friend called her husband. I called Mike#4 my sort of boyfriend to pick me up. I rarely reach out to anyone to ask for help but it seemed appropriate. He lives 30 minutes away and it was about 9:30-10:00 at night. I knew he didn't have to work the next day. He didn't want to come get me and take me to my house. Shock does not even begin describe how I felt. As it turned out Mike #4 sealed his fate with me that night.

After hanging around by myself and eating , I felt comfortable in my ability to drive. For some time I have been trying to find a dive bar where I can play pool.
I drove by the best contender for my new dive bar.I pulled in and drove around the block 4 times before getting out. I went in and attracted attention because I was a stranger. I happen to be shooting the best pool games ever that night. Unknown to me at the time ,I was playing the resident pool shark. I kicked his ass!

I have found if you beat a man in a pool game, he wants to give you the other stick.Well this guy was no different...

May 11, 2010

J does it again...

J has been trying to take me to dinner for a long time. There have been times when I have disappointed him by canceling and even forgot a date. We were supposed to have dinner at his place two weeks ago. I had not been feeling well for a few weeks so I cancelled a week in advance. J is a kind man and enjoys being with me in a way I really don't understand. When J writes about me I don't recognize myself.

A few weeks ago a package arrived at my work. I have front desk staff that tend to packages that arrive at my business. I had been having a shitty day and returned from an errand to find a overnight delivery package. I asked "what is that?' to my front desk person. She of course says "I don't know". I open the package and inside is a lovely box of Chocolate Truffles. I smile and look to see if there is a note. There is a copy of the delivery destination and my name. Part way down the page
I read " Just Because".

Sometimes I amazed at how J knows just when I need a boost. To have received an unexpected thoughtful gift tells me that J is thinking of me in a way that maybe no one ever does.

I think most women would love to receive flowers from a husband or boyfriend anytime of the year. This last Valentines Day, I was in the back of the shop and heard something going on up front. Didn't think anything until my front girl called me to the reception area. Waiting there was a dozen red roses along with a box of chocolates. I was speechless and smiling. I found a card that simply said " A beautiful woman should have beautiful things". No signature. A girl dreams of receiving roses with no name. As in a "secret admirer", we girls are like that. Now I had a suspicion that J was the sweet man on this day of lovers to surprise me. I wrote him an email that said I am 99% certain that he is the one that sent them and thank you. He writes back
"What gave me away" Later that day he sent an email that simply said " I can't believe you aren't told your a beautiful woman everyday". J is very good for my ego and I always know that he loves me....


April 25, 2010

What Am I Doing Here Again?

The question isn't really a question. What am I doing here again? What the fuck?! Mike #3 texts me one evening several weeks ago. I thought I would never hear from him again. Last December I received text that said " Don't contact me again. I love my wife too much to do this to her".

We signed on to instant messaging and spent the next two hours catching up. My stomach was very nervous because this man of all men has a part of my heart that I cannot explain. I was very happy to have him in my life again even if only by email. We have this connection that I don't understand.

We met through AM two and a half years ago when I was trying to stay married. I own a business and he's has an important position in a construction company. We talked so easily as if we had been friends for ever. In a previous post I wrote that we had not had sex at that time. A day before we were to meet to finally have sex he wrote me an email that I understood but hurt me.
Here are parts of it; "I have to admit that you are exactly the person I always wanted to meet. I had this ideal in my mind of what kind of person my wife would be. I realize that you fit that mold exactly. You are beautiful , very very smart, insightful and on top of that you understand business. I have to except that there is someone in the world like you and know that I cannot have you. You are special and I looked forward to to seeing you, it made my day. But in the end I know where I have to be. I cannot be the person who dishonors his wife no matter how alone I might feel or how perfect you are. I can't live with it on my mind and it hurts my soul. It is like on one side when you are near I feel alive and then moments after you are gone I feel like a horrible person not worthy of anything. I know that none of us can change the past but if I only had one chance I would find you no matter where you are and not let go. I want to be with you more than I can say and I know I haven't said this before for obvious reasons. I have to own that for myself same as you do. You have made my life easier in some ways and much harder in others(no fault of your own). You have made me question if where I am in my life is where I should stay. The person I am says there is no choice , I cannot set aside my values. I think you would do the same because you love your family. I know I haven't told you much of this before because I was afraid to let it out of the box so to speak. I knew in the beginning that there was no future in this, yet I pursued it anyway. That is a testament to the influence you have over me. I wanted to be connected to you I just never expected to fall for you in the process. Now I have to live with that and know that I have hurt you too. Sorry for all of this , I just wanted you to know where I am. Mike"

We have always maintained contact until last December , when as I said he asked me not to contact him.

After that text recently M#3 and I went back to emailing like we had never stopped. He would coax an occasional half naked picture from me. I love turning him on and teasing him. Tempting him with my bad girl ways. A few weeks later he was teasing me. A lot. I told him to stop teasing me because he would never give in to me anyway. He writes back " you would be surprised". I said I would be shocked actually.

I was very pleased when he shocked me that night. I hadn't seen him but twice in the previous year and no phone conversations either. To say I was excited to see him would be an understatement.

We sat on my couch and talked and talked some more. We finally kissed. When I kiss him it's as if we have known each other for a lifetime. I have wanted this man for so long that I my stomach is nervous and almost a little queasy. He pins me with his body and it's clear that he's in charge. So I follow and receive his caresses. He is as happy to be there as I am.

We went to the bedroom where I kissed my way around his strong arms and chest. I suspect he has not had this sort of attention in a long time. I worked my way to his pants and in the most sensual way I unzipped his pants. Ever so slowly I removed his pants. I teased and nibbled and licked my way around his hard cock until I thought he he couldn't take it anymore. I put my lips around just the head at first then I slowly enveloped him with my mouth. My mouth was warm and wet as I looked at him and he looked at me. When he could take no more, he pulled me up to him and we kissed very deeply. He said I want you on top and I did as he wanted.

I have never known my mind and body to be so overwhelmed with passion. I could only think of him during those few hours we were together. It was like a dream, it had almost a mystical feeling to it. It was like every great lovemaking scene that has been seen in the movies. All the while a herd of butterflies were fluttering in my belly. I didn't worry that it would end too soon and that I would have to say goodbye.

Later he pulled me close and I put my head on his strong chest. We talked for a long time and I couldn't keep my hands to myself. I am certain it has been years since he came twice in an evening and I felt complete for the first time in a very long time.

April 9, 2010

"The Mikes" Part 2

I met Mike #4 a few months after I separated from my husband. Feeling lonely one evening I posted on a dating website. It was on a whim that I posted so I really didn't take it seriously. I was surprised to receive mail right away let alone from another Mike.

Mike#4 and I started emailing back and forth. This continued for a few weeks before we spoke on the phone for the first time. That first call lasted two hours. I'm a very open person sometimes too much. We had a very easy time talking all the next week sometimes for hours.

We met at a pool hall. He was very taken with me and made no attempt to hide it. I found him a nice enough guy, funny and there was some chemistry. I kicked his ass on the pool table twice.

Fast forward. Mike#4 was in love with me and while I found him great in bed there was no connection. That feeling when you are having sex and you breathe in your lover. Bodies in rhythm , skin on skin and feeling what I call "soul love".As I've said before , I am a control freak and it takes so much for me to quiet my brain. To get lost for awhile in passion and the elusive "soul love" is such a gift. Abandonment of control , to trust the man with my soul.

Mike #4 is technically good in bed but he can't go beyond. He has scars and damage like we all do. After 25 years of marriage , I hope that I have learned that people don't evolve unless they are willing to look at their pain. Even if they love you and say they want to "change" true insight is gained only through self awareness. My point is I don't want to change anyone. I want to accept people for who they are and it's my choice to stay or move on.

I will never get to experience "soul Love" with Mike#4 due to his inability to let go. I have tried to coax "soul love" from him but to no avail. Of course there is much about M#4 that I enjoy. I also know that he is not my future husband for many reasons outside of the bedroom. I prefer to think of him as a "fuck buddy" because the less I count on him the less I am disappointed. I am loving with him and do care but I have to remember he's not for a life time.

All these "Mike's". Why so many Mikes? I'm smart, I can remember another name...

In "Mikes" part one, I said that the married, no sex M#3 and I had a connection. We both knew it and we controlled it with distance. He needed to stay in contact with me as much as I needed to be in contact with him. We email and sometimes text.
One night last July, he's working late and I'm working late. He starts instant messaging and the conversation turns suggestive. At the time we had not seen or spoke to each other in over a year, but stayed in touch via technology. Again , fast forward we had sex that night. Not a long lingering time but enjoyable. Of course , he felt guilty , back to email only.

In December he sent a text saying he loved his wife too much to do this to her. It said do not contact me again. We hadn't seen each other for 6 months nor spoke by phone either. So there I am , cut off again. I thought he must be serious when an email bounced back. I was the only one with that address so I figured that was that. I did miss him terribly and I thought he must be missing me too. When I felt empty , I would write to his instant message address not knowing if he was reading them or not. I would write when I needed to talk to him in times of extreme stress. My heart wanted to believe that he was reading my words but I had no way to know for sure.

After me posting on and off for 3 months I wrote the defining post. I was honest and vulnerable and said what was really on my mind. I had just suffered a death in the family and was feeling like I had nothing to lose. Besides for all I knew he was not reading messages from me, the Evil Temptress. I wrote that I hoped he was getting the love and understanding that he deserves. But more than anything that he felt heard and relevant in his life. Then I said, FUCK IT! Your not reading this anyway because you don't even think about me. You are a man of character and should your marriage break up and you are free I hope you will reach out to me.

I received a text within 24 hours from a familiar number and my heart fluttered while butterflies took flight in my stomach...

April 5, 2010

What Makes a Woman "Hot"?

It wasn't until I met a man through Ashley Madison that I was called "beautiful". I had been married since I was twenty and my husband never referred to me as "pretty" or "beautiful" or "hot" and "gorgeous" certainly didn't escape his lips. Ever. He desired me always no matter how much I weighed. If I simply bent over to pick up something he would let me know he was looking. I liked that attention, it helped me forget his lack of dedication to other areas of our lives. We always had a very active and passionate sex life. Now I look back and realize how good sex kept me pacified in a marriage that made no sense.

Mike#3 was the first man I met through A.M.. I wasn't starved for sex , I was starved for stimulation and just normal everyday conversation. OK, the excitement also hooked me. I had no idea if I would be attractive to other men, after all I wasn't thin and was closing in on 44 years old. My body wasn't something to be admired in my mind.

I lucked out when it comes to aging in the face. My career has been spent in the beauty industry where to be successful you must look the part. Recently a gentleman said I was the least vain person he had ever met. I don't want to leave the impression that I am obsessed in any way with being perfect looking. Helping women to feel and look their best is my job.

As usual I am heading into easily distracted. Back to the topic...

The second time I met Mike#3 he called me "beautiful". In my mind , I thought he must be very horny. He said "you must hear that all the time". Well actually, "never" is what I was thinking. He still tells me how hot I am and that if I came into a room wearing a huge sack he would still think I was "gorgeous". I am flattered at my age to be thought of as "hot" but my confidence level doesn't let me believe .

The last time J and I were together he told me I was "gorgeous". I didn't say anything so he followed up with something along the lines of " I am not the only man that thinks that". When J looks at me, he takes me in and his eyes seem to sparkle. I love seeing myself through his eyes. When he writes about me I think "wow! I'd sure like to meet that "me"

In today's critical media, I would not be thought of as "hot" or "beautiful" let alone "gorgeous".
I only hope that someday I will feel "beautiful" inside as well as outside.

April 4, 2010

"The Mikes" Must Wait for Now

I have put "The Mikes" part 2 post on hold for now. I will say that Mike#3 and Mike#4 continue to be a source of uncertainty and mixed feelings. More on them at a later date...

March 30, 2010

The Sweetest Man I have ever met....

I remember the day I met J. I was working and the day was December 24,2008. The first communications from J arrived via Ashley Madison. He was on a cruise and wrote the most beautiful email. Others followed until his return. He was eager to meet
and it was decided he would come to my place of business. Yes, it was Christmas Eve and I really needed to not become distracted due to family obligations.

When J came through the door I was pleasantly surprised to see a man dressed in corporate attire. He was wearing a longer overcoat and a hat. I of course made sure I was looking my best. J was not unhappy or disapointed when he saw me. We made small talk and I could feel his eyes on me . He wanted to be closer . When J looks at me , I feel adored.

I decided to give him the tour of the place. That takes all of 30 seconds and we're in the back hallway. I had smoked pot a while earlier to relax my normally control freak brain. So there I am leaning up against the wall and he is looking at me with a sparkle in his eyes. It was all very electric. The anticipation of the first kiss.

He kissed me hard and pressed his body against mine. We kissed for awhile and I did not protest when he moved to my breasts.( J you can correct me if I have it wrong, after all I was stoned)
Our kissing in the hall was so fucking hot that I again didn't protest when he slid his hand inside my pants without undoing them. I couldn't believe his hand slid effortlessly between my very tight pants and my skin. He could feel how wet I was...

Time was very short, so we put ourselves in order. It didn't matter that we had just met. We had the chemistry and the fire to begin an affair.

March 29, 2010

What is it with Mikes?

I don't know why "The Mikes" ( not their real name) of the world turn out to be the loves of my life. Sort of.
It started when I was twelve when Mike #1 showed an interest in me. I had developed breasts fairly early and realized the new power they gave me over men and boys. I could totally veer off course to breast talk but this post is about "The Mikes"
So Mike #1 wasn't a very nice Mike. I was only 12 but I'm fairly sure he had an abusive household.

It took six years to meet Mike #2. I loved him immediately. He was 21 and fresh out of the Army. I had never met anyone like him. In the service he was a Paratrooper and really fucking confident. He once told me the only thing the Army taught him to do was kill people. Again I digress. He also knew how to make me cum . The memory of Mike #2 and everything we shared good and bad has haunted me for 27 years. My heart ached for years because of a choice I made. The dreams I would have over the years... always the same thing.
In my dreams I always want to tell him something but in the 100's of Mike#2 dreams I never get to tell him. I still keep track of where he is. Thank you Internet!

When I discovered Ashley Madison in 2007 I met Mike#3. The whole story of how I ended up on a married but wanting to cheat dating site isn't relative at the moment. Mike#3 and I wrote emails and talked on the phone for hours sometimes. When I met him in the Denny's Parking lot for the first time he looked like everything I find attractive. Neither of us expected to feel the way we did. He said that it was like being at the top of the world when he was with me and then he would be so down when he had to go back to his real life. But he's a family man and broke it off with me before we had the chance to have sex. It's safe to say we were falling in love and that was not an option for us. I was heart broken and felt an emptiness I hadn't felt since Mike#2. There are actually updates to Mike#3 but I'm saving that for another time.

At last Mike#4. Actually, all this Mike talk has worn me out. So to be continued....

Next post you'll meet Mike#4 and Mike#3 will again tempt me.

March 27, 2010

Raven Starts Raving

I have started this blog because one of my lovers thinks I have something to say. In truth I always have a lot to say.

I am an admitted control freak which my therapist calls hyper-vigilance. I'm not a" I need to have everything perfect" control freak. I envy those people because their houses are clean as can be. I wish I had the control freak clean house gene, but I do not.

First thing you should know about me is that I have embraced my ADD(Attention Deficit Disorder). What does that mean to you the reader? Well, if you have any hope of appreciating my quirky sense of self than it's only fair to arm you with the tools needed. For example ,you and I are having a conversation and I see a gigantic bird fly between two poles. My brain becomes distracted marveling about how BIG that bird is. Or possibly I was simply fucking bored with the conversation and the bird really was as big as Mothra.

Next, I'll tell you what I always tell potential employees during the interview process, I swear. A lot. I then tell them if they have delicate ears this might not be the job for them. I never swear at people( in the car doesn't count). So if the word FUCK offends you or any of it's relatives such a fucking, fucker, fucking assholes, dumb fuck, stupid fuck, cluster fuck or my current favorite Jesus Fuck ,this blog probably isn't for you. I think I will do post in the future all about swearing.

I think that's all the blogging energy I have at the moment. So until we meet again remember If it walks like a duck, quacks like duck , it's probably a fucking duck.